DAILYPANGANDARAN – Dadang Solihat (Okta) officially registered himself as a candidate for Pangandaran Regent. Dadang Okta registered by submitting the required documents to the PDI Perjuangan Pangandaran on Friday, April 19, 2024.
Previously, Dadang Okta was accompanied by thousands of residents when he nominated himself as a prospective candidate for Pangandaran Regent. When registering, Dadang and his entourage were paraded by residents like a groom.
In addition to being accompanied by thousands of residents, Dadang Okta was also accompanied by his wife and children who were in the front row. The escort during the journey was tight, so it went smoothly.
During the journey to the registration location as a prospective candidate for Regent, Dadang Okta looked like a newlywed. He used a motorized pedicab (bentor) decorated with trinkets and accompanied by Sundanese songs.
In addition, behind Dadang Okta there was a puso truck carrying a full sound system so that the sound of Sundanese songs could be heard throughout the journey.
Upon arriving at the registration location, Dadang Okta was welcomed directly by the Chairman of the PDI Perjuangan along with other officials and members.
After officially registering as a prospective candidate for Regent, Dadang Okta stated that he would pay attention to various aspects, ranging from fishermen, farmers, traders, civil servants, and teachers. According to him, the welfare and prosperity of the community are top priorities, including poverty index and economic growth.
Dadang also emphasized the importance of developing the tourism sector, making Pangandaran a competitive tourism regency. He hoped that with the increase in tourist visits, the Regional Original Revenue (PAD) would also increase.
Dadang also revealed that his status as a civil servant has now retired, so he can now focus on politics. He also stated that early retirement is not only to nominate himself as Regent, but also as his long-standing dream.
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