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The Leadership of Indonesian National Leader [President Sukarno]

In the course of Indonesia’s history, there have been many brave knights who have shown courage and resilience in the face of foreign invaders. One such knight that I greatly admire is Indonesia’s first President, Bung Karno. Born in Surabaya in 1901, Bung Karno founded the Indonesian National Party at the young age of 26. His writings were influential in stirring the spirit of nationalism among the Indonesian people.

Bung Karno was arrested by the Dutch in 1929 and imprisoned in Banceuy prison, then later transferred to Sukamiskin prison. Despite being in prison, he crafted the powerful speech “Indonesia Menggugat” (Indonesia Rebukes) which still holds relevance today. Exiled to Ende from 1938 to 1942, he was eventually freed during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia.

President Sukarno played a significant role in Indonesia’s independence, proclaiming it on August 17, 1945, despite the country having very little resources at the time. He also laid the ideological foundation of Pancasila for the new Indonesian state, emphasizing unity among all Indonesians from Sabang to Merauke.

Even though my father, Professor Soemitro, had opposing political views to Bung Karno and was involved in an uprising against his government, he always acknowledged Bung Karno’s greatness as a leader. He recognized that Bung Karno was able to unite diverse groups in Indonesia for the common goal of independence, preventing the country from fragmenting into multiple states as the Dutch had hoped.

My father shared with me his interactions with Bung Karno, including how he tried to advise him against cooperating with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Despite their differences, my father admitted that he regretted leaving Bung Karno’s side and acknowledged that flexibility and understanding the context of different eras is crucial in politics.

I also remember the impression Bung Karno left on me when I met him at the Istana Merdeka. His towering presence, charismatic smile, and deep voice made a lasting impact on me, showcasing the qualities of a true leader. Through the lessons learned from Bung Karno’s leadership, I hope to continue his legacy of uniting and guiding Indonesia towards a bright future.

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