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Leadership of Indonesian National Leader: Teuku Umar

By: Prabowo Subianto [taken from the Book: Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I]

Throughout our nation’s history, there have been numerous instances where we were outnumbered by the enemy in terms of forces, weapons, and experience. However, due to the right attitude and the virtues of our leaders – their honesty, patriotism, intelligence, hard work, and refusal to succumb to foreign dominance – we were able to overcome the odds time and time again.

One of the most remarkable leadership stories from the colonial era of Nusantara is that of Teuku Umar. As a member of the Dutch army, he outsmarted the Dutch twice with ‘mock wars’, strengthening the Acehnese resistance against the invaders.

Leadership has always been the key to a nation’s success throughout history. During my time in the military, I learned a saying that applies to every soldier in any era: ‘there are no bad soldiers, only bad commanders.’

Another saying I learned as a young officer was: ‘A thousand goats led by a tiger would roar, but a thousand tigers led by a goat would bleat.’

Teuku Umar, born in Meulaboh, West Aceh in 1854, exemplified smart leadership during the colonial period of Nusantara. Known for his intelligence, courage, and perseverance from a young age, he joined the fight against the Dutch at 19 and later pretended to be a Dutch collaborator to deceive them and strengthen the Acehnese resistance.

Despite initially working for the Dutch, Teuku Umar eventually turned against them and led the Acehnese in a protracted war filled with deception and strategic maneuvers. He surrendered himself to the Dutch multiple times, only to betray them again and continue the fight for Acehnese independence.

Ultimately, Teuku Umar met his heroic end when he and his men fought bravely against the Dutch forces, with a single enemy bullet ending his life as he stood firm in his beliefs and commitment to his people.

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